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Navigating life as an Empath and highly sensitive (HSP) person

The word empath didn't fully come on my radar until quite late in my personal development journey (just under 10 years ago) and I believe also as a culture with topics around mental health and only in recent years finally recognizing the importance of meeting our own needs with self-care and love or taking mental health days - only really being talked about now.

For years I struggled with feeling something was wrong with me - why did I feel everything so deeply and things hurt so much? was I taking things too seriously, overthinking things, why did I feel so heavy or weighed down by life? It felt very exhausting to go about a normal day often feeling things or situations so deeply around me and if I verbalised those feelings to someone I would often be told I was "too sensitive" which I took to perceive as a criticism and that something was wrong with me - which would then lead to feeling further shut down and the need to try and change or be something or someone else, which was difficult to work out.

It was thanks to the work of Susan Cain: Quiet - "The power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking" (2012) was I introduced to the term introverts/extroverts and that you can succeed or be a leader as an introvert, it's not just about being the loudest, most visible person to have your ideas and feelings understood, there was a quiet power in embracing your own unique nature.

From this, I then found Judith Orloff's work which was really helpful in further understanding as an empath and developing coping skills to manage in the high-stimulus world we live in.

All about Empathy

So what exactly is an Empath?

In this post, I'll be looking at some of the key things about being an Empath (and you may notice I mention Empath and also HSP - which means highly sensitive person). Both terms are similar however an Empath tends to absorb the subtle energy from external stimuli more so.

An Empath is a highly-sensitive individual who possess an innate ability to pick up on the emotions and energies of those around them. 

They often feel deeply connected to the experiences of others and have a strong sense of empathy and compassion.

This sounds like a good thing right?!

In a world where IQ (Intelligence Quotient) was most often talked about as being the key skill to have, in recent decades the term EQ (Emotional Intelligence) has become just as much greatly appreciated skill - with workplaces appreciating and understanding the need to have multiple facets of personalities on teams to be more successful, particularly in the roles of managers who can be astute to the emotional needs of their team members and lead teams effectively and sensitively through times of change.

"Empaths make up approximately 20% of the general global population"

As well as being attuned to the feelings and emotions of the people and environments around them, a few advantages to being an Empath can be:

Deep Connection with Others - Empaths have a natural ability to forge deep and meaningful connections with people. This enables them to offer genuine support and understanding.

Intuitive Insights - Their heightened sensitivity allows empaths to pick up on subtle cues and intuitively understand the feelings and needs of others.

Natural Healers - Many empaths are drawn to helping professions, such as counseling, healthcare, or therapy, where their empathic nature can be a tremendous asset.

Creative Expression - Empaths often possess rich inner worlds and a heightened sense of imagination, which can be channeled into creative pursuits like art, music, or writing.

Whilst these advantages can sound great, there are also many challenges empaths face as they navigate life especially when overwhelmed with lots of feelings all the time, such as:

Emotional overwhelm - Empaths may struggle with setting and maintaining boundaries, leading to absorbing too much of others' emotions and experiencing emotional burnout.

Difficulty discerning their own emotions - It can be challenging for empaths to differentiate between their own feelings and those of others, potentially leading to confusion or emotional turmoil.

Vulnerability to energy drain - Sensitives and empaths are very aware of the feelings of situations and the people around them and being in these environments can be draining.

Due to their sensitive nature, empaths can be prone to people pleasing or in situations where they feel they need to keep the peace, saying yes to things when they mean no.


Here are some top tips on how to navigate life as an Empath:

1.Boundaries: Establishing healthy boundaries is particularly key. Practice saying no when needed and communicate your needs to others clearly and assertively - and remember "no" doesn't have to be harsh but can be said politely, eg. "Thank you for asking but I can't right now" or "I'll give it some thought and get back to you". If you've been used to saying yes all your life or appeasing to the whims of everyone else, it can be a journey to learn to feel comfortable with the word "no", however with some practice you can get there.

2. Regular Self-Care: Prioritize self-care practices that replenish your energy, such as meditation, grounding exercises, spending time in nature, and doing something creative or simply relaxing at home or somewhere you feel comfortable and rested. Recognise the things that help boost your energy or the things that drain you and begin to put together a range of tools that work for you and you know you can use at any time.

3. Practice Self-Awareness: Through having a good self-awareness practice, we can begin to understand what is "our stuff" and what may come from others or the environment around us, strengthening our relationship with ourselves and gaining clearer emotional clarity. We can do this through meditation, mindfulness exercises, and even gentle yoga/movement which helps to unify mind and body and settle us.

4. Seek Support and Community: As you progress on this journey, surround yourself with like-minded individuals who understand and appreciate your empathic nature. People who don't seek to change or criticize you but embrace, love, and accept you just how you are. Connecting with a supportive community can be immensely beneficial but also crucial to your success as it can make the difference in feeling truly safe from within as you express your true self.

5. Utilize Your Gifts! Finally, once you begin to get a handle on how to live as an empath and embrace your empathic abilities, consider how they can be utilized in your personal and professional life. Having good emotional intelligence (EQ) is also becoming even more sought after these days and many people are growing to appreciate this discernment as a skill to growing authenticity in day-to-day situations and environments.

So whether it's in your career or personal relationships - even though it may not always feel like it when you begin to understand more about your empathic nature, which can be a valuable asset!


Being an empath is a profound gift that, when understood and harnessed, can bring immense depth and compassion to your life.

By understanding more about and embracing your unique abilities, setting boundaries, and prioritizing self-care, you can navigate the world as an empath with grace and purpose.

You have the power to transform your empathic nature into a source of strength, compassion, and healing for both yourself and those around you so embrace your journey as an empath and let your light shine brightly in the world!

If you're currently struggling with overwhelm or feeling energetically drained, feel free to set up a call with me and we can talk through tools to help <3

Claire Walker - Holistic Therapist & Coach. Supporting clients to heal and feel more empowered on their journey to better health and wellbeing, through a blend of bodywork, energy healing & coaching tools.

Book a discovery call or arrange a session in London or online.


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