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Dream into Being 2025
Visioning Circle


Monday 30th Dec
m - 6.15pm(GMT)
on Zoom

Meet, share, create, feel inspired!


Join me for a special, one-off event. to end the year - come together to share, craft, and create a vision for 2025!


This will be a relaxed and casual session between Christmas and the New Year to harness the magic of the New Moon and come together with like-hearted souls to vision and dream for the year ahead. 




At the start we will settle in together with a short meditation and guided visualization for 2025, then there will be time for crafting and visioning along with some journalling prompts. At the end there will be time to share (optional) and then we will close the space.


Group-size will be small to maintain intimacy and sharing.


Option to bring a journal, collage material into a scrapbook, create a physical vision board or make a digital collage using Canva!



What you will need:


- A pen, journal and or scrapbooking material.

- A warm cup of tea, cacao, coffee or something to drink

- A space to work in (light a candle if you wish and if it is safe to do so)

- An open-heart



Price: FREE



Register for the event

Email to confirm your place and a zoom link will be sent out to you ♥


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